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  • • Treatment for Stones in kidney, ureter and urinary bladder
  •           - ESWL : Break kidney stones without surgery
              - PCNL : Endoscopic surgery for large kidney stones
              - RIRS : Scarless , incision-less surgery for breaking kidney stones
              - URSL: Endoscopic surgery for breaking ureteric stones
              - Cystolitholapaxy : Endoscopic surgery for removing stones from urinary bladder
              - PCCL : Key hole surgery for removing large stones from urinary bladder
  • • Evaluation and management of enlarged prostate gland
  •           - Monopolar TURP
              - Bipolar TURP for larger prostate gland
              - prostate biopsy
  • Endoscopic treatment for structure urethra
  • Endoscopic management of high bladder neck
  • Endoscopic treatment for Bladder cancer
  • Treatment for prostate cancer
  • Treatment for scrotal swelling:
  •           - Surgery for hydrocele
              - Epididymal cyst excision
              - Management of testicular cancer
  • Endoscopic treatment for ureterocele
  • Treatment for passing blood in urine
  • Treatment for urinary retention
  • Treatment for varicocele
  • Uroflowmetry
  • Urodynamic evaluation
  • Laparoscopic surgeries
  • General Urological procedures:
  •           - DJ stenting
              - PCN insertion
              - SPC insertion
              - Cystoscopy
              - Bladder clot evacuation
              - RGP
              - Otis urethrotomy
              - Urethral dilatation
              - Caruncle excision
              - Circumcision
              - Stapler Circumcision
              - Frenuloplasty
              - Meatoplasty
              - Orchiectomy
              - Orchiopexy